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Wi-Fi hot spots

Marriott Royal Hotel Teatralnaya 11/20 Ul. Petrovka 258 3000
Marriott Tverskaya Hotel Mayakovskaya 34 1st Tverskaya-Yamskaya Ul. 937 1000
Maxima Pizza Belorusskaya 78/1, Leningradsky prospect
from 12.00 to 00.00
152 0837
Maxima Pizza Paveletskaya 2/2 Ul. Zacepsky val
12.00 to 00.00
953 7282
Mega Tyoply Stan 21st km of Kaluzhskoye shosse
from 10.00 to 22.00
721 2565
Mekhana Bansko Smolenskaya 9/1 Smolenskaya Ploschad
Mon-Thus, Sunday from 12.00 to 23.00
241 3132, 244 7387
Mesto Vstrechi Tverskaya 17 Tverskaya Ul.
from 11.00 to 05.00
229 2373/3016
Moskva-Roma Pushkinskaya 12, Stoleshnikov Per., Bldg.2
24 hours
229 5702
Na Lestnitse lounge café and DJ bar Smolenskaya 1/4 2nd Smolensky Per
24 hours
244 0655, 202 7670
Net Name Sukharevskaya 36/2 Ul. Sretenka
24 hours
956 8869, 231 4821

[1-10]  [11-20]  [21-30]  [31-40]  [41-50]  [51-60]  [61-70]  [71-80]  [81-90]  [91-100]  [101-110]  [111-117]  

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