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Wi-Fi hot spots
Lawn-Tennis Café |
Tverskaya |
20 Tverskaya Ul
24 hours |
209 5892
Le Gateau |
Tverskaya |
23 Tverskaya Ul.
from 09.00 to 01.00 |
937 5678
Lion’s Heart Pub |
Prospekt Vernadskogo |
88, Leninsky prospect
24 hours |
138 0091
Loft Café |
Lubyanka |
Nautilus Trade Centre, 6th Floor
from 9.00 to 12.00 |
933 7713/14
Mama Mia |
Pushkinskaya |
12 Maly Gnezdikovsky Per.
from 12.00 to 24.00 |
229 6688
Mama Mia |
Novokuznetskaya |
34 Pyatnitskaya Ul
from 9.00 to 24.00 |
507 2747
Maner |
Kuznetsky Most |
5 UL. Petrovka, Berlin House business center, 1st floor
from 10.00 till last customer |
775 1969/59
Marriott Grand Hotel |
Mayakovskaya |
26 Tverskaya Ul. |
937 0000
[1-10] [11-20] [21-30] [31-40] [41-50] [51-60] [61-70] [71-80] [81-90] [91-100] [101-110] [111-117]