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Wi-Fi hot spots

VIK-Studio beauty salon Krasnogvardeiskaya 6 Kustanayskaya Ul., Bldg.1, Stolitsa trade centre
from 10.00 to 21.00
995 2988
Viktoriya billiards club outside the MKAD Odintsovo, 5 Bulvar Lyuby Novoselovoi
Restaurant from 12:00 to 24:00, Fri-Sun from 14:00 - 3:00
billiards halls from 16:00 to 4:00, Fri-Sun from 16:00 to 5:00
590 6434
Wasabi fusion Leninsky Prospekt 5 Ul. Kosygina
from 11.00 to 23.00
135 0166
Yakimanka café and bar Oktyabrskaya 32 Ul. Bolshaya Yakimanka
from 11.00 till last customer
238 2032
Yaponsky Gorodovoy Pushkinskaya 17 Tverskaya Ul.
from 11.00 to 05.00
229 2108
Zapravochny Restaurant and Club Smolenskaya 3 Smolenskaya Ploschad
from 10.00 to 5.00
995 1933/83, 937 8021
Zolotaya Vobla Savyolovskaya 9, Suschevsky Val
24 hours
778 4102

[1-10]  [11-20]  [21-30]  [31-40]  [41-50]  [51-60]  [61-70]  [71-80]  [81-90]  [91-100]  [101-110]  [111-117] 

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