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Wi-Fi hot spots
VIK-Studio beauty salon |
Krasnogvardeiskaya |
6 Kustanayskaya Ul., Bldg.1, Stolitsa trade centre
from 10.00 to 21.00 |
995 2988
Viktoriya billiards club |
outside the MKAD |
Odintsovo, 5 Bulvar Lyuby Novoselovoi
Restaurant from 12:00 to 24:00, Fri-Sun from 14:00 - 3:00
billiards halls from 16:00 to 4:00, Fri-Sun from 16:00 to 5:00 |
590 6434
Wasabi fusion |
Leninsky Prospekt |
5 Ul. Kosygina
from 11.00 to 23.00 |
135 0166
Yakimanka café and bar |
Oktyabrskaya |
32 Ul. Bolshaya Yakimanka
from 11.00 till last customer |
238 2032
Yaponsky Gorodovoy |
Pushkinskaya |
17 Tverskaya Ul.
from 11.00 to 05.00 |
229 2108
Zapravochny Restaurant and Club |
Smolenskaya |
3 Smolenskaya Ploschad
from 10.00 to 5.00 |
995 1933/83, 937 8021
Zolotaya Vobla |
Savyolovskaya |
9, Suschevsky Val
24 hours |
778 4102
[1-10] [11-20] [21-30] [31-40] [41-50] [51-60] [61-70] [71-80] [81-90] [91-100] [101-110] [111-117]