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It was 10 years ago when we first visited the town of Tutaev. Since that time it’s been my dream to stay there longer than a day.
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You don’t need to have mastered much of the Russian language to know that the name "Ukraine" is derived from the word "Krai", edge.
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When Russians bump into their fellow citizens abroad, their initial reaction is usually one of either surprise or embarrassment.
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Newcomers to Russia struggle with the whole concept of giving flowers here.
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Every country has the bits that make its people proud, and also the parts that they’d rather you didn’t see.
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The Polenova Estate

With the busy life we lead we often get stuck in the city for many long weeks and weekends, surrounded by huge buildings, by noise and fumes from cars, with little greenery to mitigate the urban experience.
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The Island of the Sleeping Volcanoes

It’s grey outside. Impenetrable clouds lie like lead over everything.
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Glasgow, the Most Under-estimated City in Europe

I suppose every country needs a kind of civic scapegoat, a place that is considered to be so bad that the other Metropolises look good.
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Just four hours flying time from Moscow on Air Malta, lies 7000 years of history with plenty to sample over a week‘s holiday.
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Reykjavik Remembered

Until the country went into financial meltdown in 2008, Iceland rarely made the international news—and why would it?
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St. Petersburg

St. Petersburg, often called “the Northern capital of Russia”, has always attracted tourists from all over the world.
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