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Moscow restaurant guide


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Moscow restaurants listing (Russian restaurants)

Arsentyich Lubyanka 15 Bolshoi Cherkasskii Per. 927 0755
Thus-Sat: noon-5pm; Sun-Wed: noon-11pm.
Arshin Mal Alan Tyoply Stan Building 2, 152 A Profsoyuznaya Street 338 2611
Azerbaijani and mixed cuisine. Restaurant has its own music group that performs in the evenings. Good place for the family. 1pm – 1am.
Arshin Mal Alan Belyaevo 152/2 Profsoyuznaya St. 338 2611/2455
Billiards. Open 24 hours.
Art Chaikhona Pushkinskaya 11/13 Trehprudny Per. 299 1406
Business lunch 11am-4pm for 250 rubles. Noon - 11pm.
Art-club "Alabama" Teatralnaya 7 Stoleshnikov Per., Building 2 229 2412
Live music. Noon-midnight.
Artichoke Krasniye Vorota 2 Ryazansky Lane 632 2525
Inexpensive food (average dinner with wine is $20-25). Impressive artichoke dishes. Specialty business lunch. European food. 10am – midnight; Friday and Saturday until 5am.
Artifact Shchelkovskaya 11 Konstantina Fedina St. 995 4095
Reservations required. Open from 6am-6pm; closed on Mondays.
Artiko Yasenevo 6a 38th km of MKAD 422 4033, 427-7877
Live music after 7pm. Business lunch for 200 rubles. Sauna available. 10am-last guest.
Artist Gallery Kropotkinskaya 19 Prechistenka Street 201 3522
Cuisine: Italian, Fusion, French, Japanese. Fascinating, artistic atmosphere complimented by fascinating dishes. Noon – midnight.
Artplay Park Kultury Building 34, 11 Timura Frunze 246 0346, 105 5001
Restaurant/store/gallery. Open 10am-8pm.
Art’s Palace Pushkinskaya Bld. 4, 3 Uspensky Pereulok 775 0078
Excellent summer dining; open veranda and light dishes of salads and airy desserts. Specialty dessert is the Art's Palace Cake based on cottage cheese. Live music. Noon – latest customer.
Aruba Taganskaya 4 Narodnaya St. 912-1836
Business lunch for 6 y.e. Open from 11:30am-5am.
As Lubyanka 15/17 Bolshoy Kiselnyy Per., Building 1 725 7870
Business lunch from noon-3pm for 150 rubles. 11am - last customer.
Asakhi Alexeyevskaya 118 Prospekt Mira 687 7640
15% discount from noon-4pm. Open daily noon-midnight.
Asia Tushinskaya 65-66 km MKAD, "Krokus City Mall" 727 1712
Open kitchen, where customers can watch dishes being prepared. Open noon-11pm.
Assambleya (President-hotel) Oktyabrskaya 24 Bolshaya Yakimanka St. 239 3938
Reservations required. Open 6pm-midnight.
Assol’ Elektrozavodskaya Building 13, 3/1 Semenovskaya Nab. 360 6426
Restaurant/club. Noon-midnight.
AST-Mayak Bagrationovskaya 25/1 Bolshaya Filevskaya Street 142 3101 add. 600
Russian, Caucasian and European cuisine. Skilled chef provides excellent food. Open 24 hours.
Asteroid Molodyozhnaya 10 Krylatskaya St. 149 9995
Restaurant and bowling club with bowling lessons for children and adults. Open noon-6am.
Astor outside the MKAD 44th km outside the MKAD 337 2117
Open 11am-midnight.

[1-20]  [21-40]  [41-60]  [61-80]  [81-100]  [101-120]  [121-122] 

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