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Moscow restaurant guide


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Moscow restaurants listing (Russian restaurants)

Grin Grill Room Pushkinskaya 30/8 Petrovka ul. 650 6887
Anatoly Komm is an established restaurateur and innovative chef who always keep creating and amazing fans and public with new restaurant miracles.
Gubernatorskiy Pushkinskaya 22 Voznesenskiy Pereulok 797 2682, 785 1723
Restaurant, coffee house and cigar club. Mixed cuisine. Quiet atmosphere imbued with the aroma of coffee.
Guilly’s Pushkinskaya 6 Stoleshnikov per. 229 2050, 933 5521
Steak and seafood in a historic mansion. Mon-Fri noon-midnight, Sat-Sun 2pm-11pm.
Guriya Frunzenskaya 7/3 Komsomolsky Per. 246 0378
Inexpensive Georgian cuisine. 7am-11am, noon-2:30pm, 5:30pm-10:30pm.
Guroo Profsoyuznaya 20/30 Krzhizhanovskogo bldg.1 125 6276
Indian cuisine in traditional surroundings. Attentive service and pleasant ambiance. Noon-midnight.
Gusto Okhotny Ryad 5 Kamergerskii Per. 209 6922
Restaurant/pizzeria. Sun-Thurs: noon-midnight; Fri-Sat: noon-6am.

[1-20]  [21-40]  [41-60]  [61-66] 

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