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Moscow restaurant guide


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Moscow restaurants listing (Russian restaurants)

Stereo Novoslobodskaya 22 Chayanova St. 250 9191
Early breakfasts from 3am-11am on weekdays, 3am-3pm on weekends. Russian business lunch from 11am-4pm for 180 rubles. Happy hours from 11am-4pm with 20% discount on menu. Open 24 hours.
T.G.I. Friday’s Novoslobodskaya 3 Ul. Novoslobodskaya 780 7922
American favorites in a cozy wood-panelled setting. Noon-midnight.
Tsimmis Novoslobodskaya 3 Novoslobodskaya 973 0873
Jewish fare with a Russian influence. Separate kosher area with its own kitchen and grill. Noon-midnight. Kosher kitchen closed Sat.
Yakitoria Novoslobodskaya 20 Novoslobodskaya St. 973 2014
Traditional Japanese cuisine. Good for kids. 11am - 6am.

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