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Moscow restaurant guide


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Moscow restaurants listing (Russian restaurants)

Ajsha Maryino 2 Lugovoy Driveway 8 903 751 5799, 346 2310
Cuisine: Chef's, Arabic, Oriental, Vegetarian, Lebanese, Syrian, Mediterranean, Russian, European. Noon – latest customer.
Dima’s Guests Maryino Korpus 1, 171 Lyublinksaya St. 345 1277
Italian kitchen on Tuesdays; Mexican kitchen on Thursdays. Striptease shows. Thur-Sat: 10am-morning; Sun-Wed: 10am-1am.
Europe Art-Café Maryino 100 Liublinskaya 349 1310
Italian, French and Spanish cuisines. Elegant atmosphere. Entertainment center available. Mon-Thu: 11am – 11pm; Fri-Sat: 11am – 6am; Sun: 11am – 11pm
Gelios Maryino Building 2, 23 Donetskaya St. 356 2361
Restaurant/club for men, with male strippers. Finnish sauna and swimming pool available. Reservations required. Open from 7pm-6am; closed on Mondays.
Ugra Maryino 5/14 Porechnaya St. 346 9010
European and Russian cuisines. Wide selection of desserts. Business lunch available. Reasonable cost (average bill is $20-30). Noon – 2am.

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