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Moscow restaurant guide


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Moscow restaurants listing (Russian restaurants)

Amfiteatro Marksistskaya 7 Marksistskaya 911 0523
French, Italian, and Mediterranean fare with a few Georgian dishes thrown in. Live music. Noon-last diner.
Bakhor Marksistskaya 12 Tovarishcheskii Per. 911 0116/7181
35% discount for kids under 10. Noon-last guest.
China Town Marksistskaya 2/10 Vorontsovskaya St., building 1 7-495-91130202, 5105745
Chinese and Uighur cuisines; Fasting-day menu is available; French, Italian and Latin American wines; carry-out and delivery services.
Mister Monkey Marksistskaya 29 Taganskaya St. 7-095-5896357, 5145108, 7294178
American, European, Mexican cuisines. On Fridays and Saturdays entertaining show-programs take place in the Mister Monkey Restaurant.
Rialto Marksistskaya 9/11 Bolshoy Fakelny Lane 911 3512
Italian cuisine. Average bill is $30-50. 10am – 11pm.

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