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Moscow restaurant guide


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Moscow restaurants listing (Russian restaurants)

Aurora Yacht Club Rechnoy Vokzal Moskovksaya oblast, 6th KM from MKAD on Dmitrovskii Shosse 101 4462
Business lunch from noon-3pm for 120 rubles. Open 10am-10pm.
Avant-Garde Rechnoy Vokzal 4 Naberezhnaya Street, Sheremetievsky Settlement 787 6110
Welcome atmosphere and varied cuisine. 11am – 11pm.
Bely Pavlin Rechnoy Vokzal 1 Flotskaya St. 456-9298
Bolshie Gonki Rechnoy Vokzal 12 Levoberezhnaya St., "Soyuz" 234 0601
Breakfast and buffet available. Open 7:30am-11:30pm.
Brennigan’s Rechnoy Vokzal Sheremetyevo-2, hotel "Novotel" 926 5900
Restaurant/club with female striptease shows and American billards. Open from 11am-6am.
Il Patio Rechnoy Vokzal 716 Leningradskoe Shosse 451 6593
Restaurant/pizzeria chain. Noon-midnight.
Kolbassof Rechnoy Vokzal 11 Petrozavodskaya ul., bulk 1 995 2333
Russian cuisine. Beer kitchen. Noon – midnight.
McDonald’s Rechnoy Vokzal 63a Leningradskoye Shosse 451 9195
Favorite fast food restaurant, good for an inexpensive burger. 8am-midnight.
Sbarro Rechnoy Vokzal 16 Pravoberezhnaya St. (Shopping Center "Ramstor-Leningradka") 775 4189, 741 7755 (for delivery)
Variety of pizzas, pastas, salads and desserts. Reasonable cost. 10am-10pm.
Sushi Lasty Rechnoy Vokzal 68 Leningradsky Prospekt 452 1345
Sushi bar. Noon - midnight.
Volga-Volga Rechnoy Vokzal 51 Leningradskoya Shosse 981 0905
European and Russian cuisine. Karaoke. Children’s menu. Noon – latest customer. (Big races) Rechnoy Vokzal 12 Levoberezhnaya St., in the hotel "Soyuz" 234 0601/02
Billiards. 7:30am - 11:30pm.

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