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Moscow restaurant guide


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Moscow restaurants listing (Russian restaurants)

Alpen Gluck Universitet 81 Vavilova Street 132 8783
Restaurant captures the feeling of “alpine happiness and serenity.” Cuisine from the Alpine countries: French, Swiss, Italian, and Austrian dishes. Authentic Austrian strudel, impressive wine selection. Average cost $30-50. Noon – midnight.
Amirani Universitet 25 Universitetskii Prospekt 143 7371
Open noon-midnight.
Chaikhana Kishmish Universitet 3/8 Leninskij pr.
Chain cafe featuring traditional and inexpensive Uzbek cuisine. Specialty is the Uzbek pilaf. Average bill for one person is $15. 11am- 1am.
Il Patio Universitet 68/10 Leninskii Prospekt 930 0815/5665
Restaurant/pizzeria chain. Noon-midnight.
Kísh-Mish Universitet 73/8 Leninskiy prospekt 291 2010
Kish-mish Universitet 73/8 Leninskiy prospekt 291 2010
Rich and yummy Uzbek cuisine for acceptable prices.
Linderhof Universitet Korpus 1, 7 Lomonosovskii Prospekt 134 1051
Business lunch from noon-5pm for 149 rubles. Noon - 11:30pm.
Mu-Mu Universitet 62 Leningradskiy proospekt 152 1373
Russian fast food with trays, long lines and traditional home cooked food.
Netsuke (Leninsky Prospekt) Universitet 69 Leninsky Prospekt 134 2450, 134 2526, 134 2407
Japanese cuisine. Business lunch available. Noon – 2am.
Nota Bene (Michurinsky Prospekt) Universitet Build. 1, 9 Michurinsky Prospekt 932 9046
Italian and French cuisines. Genuine Italian ice cream. Average meal is $20-30; discounts for regular customers. Noon – 11pm.
Pivnaya 01 Universitet Building 3, 6 Vernadskogo Prospect 938 2218, 938 2206
Fire station themed restaurant; bar is built in a fire fighting car. Mixed European and Russian cuisine. Wide selection of beers. Noon – latest customer.
Porto Maltese Universitet 57 Leninskiy prospekt 135 5071
There are simple pleasures in Italian village at the Maltese port.
Ragtime Universitet 69 Leninskii Prospekt 132 8902
Live music and concert program. Sushi bar. Noon - 11pm.
Richard Lion Heart Universitet 29 Michurinsky Prospekt 147 7882, 147 7873
Scottish, English and Irish cuisines, featuring lamb shoulder, quails, duck with apples, and hotchpotch (chicken soup with beans and bacon). Wide selection of drinks. Average bill is $50-70. Noon – midnight.
Torro Grill Universitet Prospect Vernadskogo 6, shopping centre Capitolii (495) 775-4503
The interior of these restaurants is decorated in the standard steakhouse style with large cosy booths, dark wood and a dark tonal scheme everywhere. Excellent steaks of Argentinian beef cooked on a 4-metre open grill, good house beer, attentive service and average prices. Noon-midnight.
Trinidad Cafe Universitet 9/10 Vernadskogo Prospekt 938 2765
Business lunch for 140 rubles. Noon - 11pm.

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