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Moscow restaurant guide


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Moscow restaurants listing (Russian restaurants)

Abris Polezhayevskaya Serebryanyi Bor 544 7876
Happy hours from noon-4pm with 30% discount. Business lunch from 11am-5pm for 100-150 rubles. Open from 11am-last guest.
Academy Dobryninskaya Building 2, 23 1st Shchipkovskii Per. 237 5843/5814
Business lunch from noon-4pm for 120-170 rubles. Happy hours from noon-4pm with 15% discount on menu. Open from noon-5am.
Anfilada Prospekt Mira Building 1, 16 Olimpiiskii Prospekt (in the building of "Olimpiiskii) 688 6805
Business lunch from noon-4pm for 120 rubles. Open Sun-Thurs: 11am-midnight; Fri-Sat: 11am-6am.
Angara Building 1, 19 Novy Arbat St. 291 2209, 203 6936
Business lunch from noon-5pm for 360 rubles. Open noon-5am.
Argo Dubrovka 19 Melnikova St. 674 3501
Concert program every evening after 7pm.
Arshin Mal Alan Belyaevo 152/2 Profsoyuznaya St. 338 2611/2455
Billiards. Open 24 hours.
Artiko Yasenevo 6a 38th km of MKAD 422 4033, 427-7877
Live music after 7pm. Business lunch for 200 rubles. Sauna available. 10am-last guest.
Atlantida ship restaurant Ulitsa 1905 Goda 10 Krasnopresnenskaya Nab. 741 3796, 507 9521
Live music on weekends. Reservations required. Good restaurant for holidays, parties and banquets. Open 24 hours.
Aurora Medvedkovo 12 Startovaya St. 474 7059
Live music everyday from 8pm-midnight. Noon-last guest.
Bagrationi Baumanskaya 1/7 Spartakovskaya Ploshchad’ 267 6881, 266 0531
Business lunch from noon-4pm for 200 rubles. Live music from 7pm-11pm. Open daily from noon-midnight.
Bakinskii Dvorik Sokolniki 6 Stomynka St. 603 3002/3005
Open from 9am-last guest.
Berloga Tavern Medvedkovo 20 Studenty Proezd 478 0454, 518 6211
Happy hours from noon-6pm with 30% discount on menu. Discotheque and striptease shows in the evenings. Open noon-6am.
Bukle Arbatskaya 27/47 Arbat St. 291 6538
Business lunch from noon-4pm for 135 rubles. Live music on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4-7pm. Open 11am-11pm.
Cafe Dioskuriya Arbatskaya 5 Nikitsky Bulvar 290 6908
This slightly tacky-looking Georgian restaurant is an old-timer with a long track record of feeding shashliks to noisy expats. Still popular, but a bit 1990s.
Ed Em Profsoyuznaya Korpus 1, 4 Krizhizhanovskogo St. 125 0090
Foodrow (Sytnyi Ryad) Vykhino 47 Lenina St. 508 8435/36
Reservations required. Restaurant with discotheque and striptease shows. Open 24 hours.
Garem (Harem) Ulitsa 1905 Goda 14а Krasnopresnenskaya Nab. 256 0691
Traditional Caucasian, Uzbek, and Mediterranean dishes. Wide variety of Eastern sweets. Bellydance performances. Hookah available. Open from noon-last guest.
Guriya Frunzenskaya 7/3 Komsomolsky Per. 246 0378
Inexpensive Georgian cuisine. 7am-11am, noon-2:30pm, 5:30pm-10:30pm.
Gusto Okhotny Ryad 5 Kamergerskii Per. 209 6922
Restaurant/pizzeria. Sun-Thurs: noon-midnight; Fri-Sat: noon-6am.
Karetny Dvor Barrikadnaya 52 Povarskaya 291 6376
Authentic Caucasian cuisine in a building decorated like a carriage house. 24 hours.

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