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Moscow restaurant guide


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Moscow restaurants listing (Russian restaurants)

Ajsha Maryino 2 Lugovoy Driveway 8 903 751 5799, 346 2310
Cuisine: Chef's, Arabic, Oriental, Vegetarian, Lebanese, Syrian, Mediterranean, Russian, European. Noon – latest customer.
Dionis / Peti Belyaevo bld.1, 3 Mikluho-Maklay 431 2865
Restaurant-cafe. Oriental, Lebanese, Russian and European cuisines. 10am – 1am. Discus
Saffron Pushkinskaya 12 Spiridonyevskyi pereulok 737 9500
Lebanese food and hospitality in light high tech design.
Shafran Tverskaya Spiridinyenevsky Pereulok 12 737 9500
Well-prepared Lebanese cuisine served in modern yet comfortable settings. Noon-midnight.
Sindbad Arbatskaya 14 Nikitsky blvd. 291 7115
Cozy restaurant serving good and inexpensive Lebanese food. Noon-11.30pm.
Sultan Leninsky Prospekt 3 Ordzonikidze St. 958 2921
Evening belly-dance shows to Arabic music. Noon - 5am.

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