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Moscow restaurant guide


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Moscow restaurants listing (Russian restaurants)

Africa Perovo 10, 2nd Vladimirskaya St.
Business lunch from noon-4pm for 130-150 rubles. Happy hours from 3pm-7pm with 15% discount on bar. Open noon-last guest.
Bedouin Akademicheskaya 57 Leninsky prospect 135 5071
Excellent African cuisine at affordable prices. 11am – 11pm.
Bungalow Bar Kurskaya 6/1 Zemlyanoi Val 916 2432
10am - midnight.
Carven Fashion Cafe Krasnopresnenskaya 1/2 Krasnopresnenskaya Naberezhnaya 205 0100
Noon - midnight.
Ju-Ju Park Kultury 15 Smolenskiy bulvar 291 1667, 291 6461
A family restaurant styled in African safari fashion.
Zvuky (Sounds) Sukharevskaya 9 Pushkarev lane 737 4555
African, French, Jewish and European cuisine. 10am – 5am.

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