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Knights of the Vine RUSSIA

Moscow restaurant guide

Restaurant: Baltschug


Address: 1 Balchug, Hotel Baltschug Kempinski Moscow
Metro: Novokuznetskaya
Phone: 230-5500, 230-6500


Average cost: $50-100
Cuisine: European, Russian
Services: English-language menu

Sunday brunch from 12:30pm – 4pm. Opening hours: 07am - 11pm.

Hotel Baltschug Kempinski adopts vodka

The traditional Russian drink, vodka will now attract the clients to Baltschug Kempinski. From July the Baltschug bar offers about sixty kinds of selected vodkas which epitomize Russian culture more that anything else. They say that no word is more binding than a word sealed with a toast of vodka.

Here you can try a big selection of famous trade marks such as Vodka Absolut, Nemiroff, Stolichnaya, Flagman; or have a try and find new flavors from Central Russia, Southern Siberia, Ukraine and what is more interesting and intriguing the foreign specimens from France, Switzerland, Italy and Denmark. We hear they are even considering a vodka from Tasmania!

The bartenders will guide you to the spiritual world of vodka and help to find the Russian corners of your soul. The special offer is a journey through the history. Throughout the evening you may feel a Great Tsar or a wealthy merchant or a small peasant; besides this includes a special price for five kinds of vodkas represented in the list.

Hotel Baltschug Kempinski
Reservation: 230-5500, 230-6500

Baltschug Kempinski Privilege Club

Starting from August the Baltschug Kempinski Hotel invites its guests to the new Loyalty Program called “Privilege”. The status of a privileged one is a great help for the hotel to serve for the comfort of the client and foresee the wishes and please the habits. The membership card is also giving special discounts for accommodation. It offers 20% off on the weekends and the restaurants 10% off of Baltschug Kempinski. The only thing one will do to feel special is to buy the nominal card the price for a privilege is not so high 1500 rubles. And fill the questionnaire in to let them know better the guest better. They will want to know your birth date, your favorite food, the way you spend your leisure time and how often you come to Baltschug.


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