Restaurant: Five Spices
Address: 3/18 Sivtsev Vrazhek per.
Metro: Chertanovskaya
Phone: 203 1283
A splendid hodgepodge of Chinese, Thai, and Indian dishes. Noon-midnight. Dinner for $30. Open noon-midnight daily.
5 Spice Turns
6 Fans of 5-Spice, the popular Chinese/Indian restaurant just off Gogolievsky Boulevard, may have been surprised to find its doors closed over the past few months. The owners have been rushing to renovate the interior and update the menu in time for their 6th anniversary celebrations on March 26. The refurb was finished just in time, and those with a jones for the restaurant’s signature Peking Duck and tasty Indian kebabs will have to wait no longer. And, for those who don’t have enough time to stop in to enjoy the updated interior, the restaurant offers free delivery.