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Moscow restaurant guide

Restaurant: Myata Music Café


Address: 1A Luzhnetsky Proyezd
Metro: Sportivnaya
Phone: 245-2245


Average cost:

Hot and Cool at Myata Music Café

MINT Music Cafe presents an ongoing “Нot Ice Cream” party. Guests are invited to sample the newest gastronomic trend of the fall/winter season, which has come to replace the traditional mulled wine and grog. Hot Ice Cream drinks are unprecedented tasty alcoholic cocktails in the form of appetizing ice cream mixed with a base of “BOLS Advocaat” Liquor. An autumn hit in the most fashionable European clubs, thanks to the hormone of happiness, serotonin, which is found in this creamy dessert as well as in a unique incendiary alcoholic component of the well-known Amsterdam liquor BOLS Advocaat. This new cocktail trend promises to instantly transform any party into a cheerful holiday.


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