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Moscow restaurant guide

Restaurant: Beavers


Address: Ulitsa Lyublinskaya 171
Metro: Mayakovskaya
Phone: +7 (495) 783-9184


Average cost: to $15
Cuisine: Armenian

Beavers has some great American-style burgers, pizza, nachos, wings and desserts, made with many of Greco’s hometown recipes.


If you’re out in Marino for some of the great fashion deals at Passport publisher John Ortega’s Fashion Mart, step around the corner to Robert Greco’s Beaver’s, a barbeque sports bar and grill. Beavers has some great American-style burgers, pizza, nachos, wings and desserts, made with many of Greco’s hometown recipes. Try his mom’s Antipasto (210r), the Olympic Pizza (430r) that weighs in at more than a kilo, the Big Cheeseburger (230r), and a huge portion of Apple Crisp (150r) just like grandma made it. The place fills up fast on the weekends with locals, so it is a good place to try out your Russian language skills. It may be way out of the center but worth the trip.


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