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Moscow restaurant guide

Restaurant: Kolbassof


Address: 32 Marshala Biruzova ul., “Pyataya Avenue” Trade Regional Center
Metro: Oktyabrskoye Pole
Phone: 995 2333


Average cost: $30-50
Cuisine: Russian

Russian cuisine. Beer kitchen. Noon – midnight.

Kolbasa (sausage) fest for friends and family. The name says it all. If you want sausage, beer, appropriate snacks, salty shrimps and simple yet European and modern interior Kolbassoff is the right place. If you compare Kolbassoff to regular pubs it is not that simple: dark expansive furniture, leather couches, ancient photos on the walls, three plasma screens. Treats and delights the Kolbassof way is presented in 12 kinds of draft beer, taps are directly on the tables, home made sausage with special recipes and a lot of football.

Bill: $$

Service: ****


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