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Home Moscow restaurant guide Porto Maltese

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Knights of the Vine RUSSIA

Moscow restaurant guide

Restaurant: Porto Maltese


Address: 21 Pravdy ul.
Metro: Belorusskaya
Phone: 739 82 49, 506 21 31


Average cost:

There are simple pleasures in Italian village at the Maltese port.

The restaurant’s idea is democratic and practical: the sea theme is interpreted in the deck of the ship, counter with seafood and impressive aquarium with lobsters. Seafood could be prepared according to your choice: grilled, baked in salt, steamed or fried. If you love fresh fish and quiet surroundings Porto Maltese is an ideal place for tasty and healthy meal. Big reflection mirrors, light colors, fishing nets and wooden furniture creates an atmosphere of a lost island in the center of Moscow.

Bill: $$$$

Service: ****


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