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Knights of the Vine RUSSIA

Moscow restaurant guide

Restaurant: Goodman


Address: 13 Bolshaya Tulskaya ul., Trade Center "Erevan-Plaza"
Metro: Tulskaya


Average cost:
Cuisine: American

This is classic American steak-house but with retro touch and European chic.

The restaurant’s motto is “Good steak for good men”. The walls are decorated with black-and-white photographs of the last century celebrities, Frank Sinatra’s pleasant voice is filling the air with romantic vibes, subdued light and leather couches bring comfort and placidity to the atmosphere. Steaks are not cheap but they worth every ruble! The meat comes from best parts of the best international cows from Australia and New Zealand. Special grill and frying pans complete the perfect picture of a great meat restaurant.

Bill: $$$

Service: *****


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