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Knights of the Vine RUSSIA

Moscow restaurant guide

Restaurant: NKong


Address: 71-ya Tverskaya-Yamskaya ul.
Metro: Mayakovskaya
Phone: 200 5763


Average cost:

Fusion style in its best manifestation.

You could notice in hazy twilight dark-wood furniture, hieroglyphs on cushions, light curtains, soft comfortable couches and floor orange lamps. The restaurant is based on two stories and there are plenty of space for different rooms including VIP-cabinet and a banquet hall. The menu demonstrates a bold blending of several cultures: European, Chinese and Japanese. The restaurant is rather expensive but chef does his job perfectly, ingredients are fresh and there is an innovator’s touch in the sauces and creative dishes “a la fusion”. This is a place to relax while listening to melodic oriental music where your own little world will be unnoticed by others. It is an elegant ambiance of oriental and European mix. While smoking kalian you could easily forget about everything, even a very important business meeting the next day.

Bill: $$$$

Service: ****


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