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Knights of the Vine RUSSIA

Moscow restaurant guide

Restaurant: Natura Viva


Address: 19/7 Dolgorukovskaya Ul.
Metro: Novoslobodskaya
Phone: 609-2845


Average cost: $50-100
Cuisine: International

Extravagant wildlife in colonial ecodesign.

Natura Viva comprises three floors of adventure, wild animals, original design and fantastic cuisine. This is a small interpretation of the best part of South Africa. Neither giraffes nor rhinoceros are on the menu, however, stuffed exotic animals greet visitors on every step. The second floor is styled in safari-baroque style with massive rattan armchairs, bright cushions and baroque accessories. There are living creatures in the restaurant as well like lazy owls and angry piranhas in aquarium on the third floor. The place is full of giant pieces of furniture and small delicate details: there is a fireplace and candles, antique Indian mirror, African jute carpet on the ceiling and sophisticated crystal chandelier. It feels like you are in the zoo and at the museum at the same time. Seafood recipes are fantastic, salads are fresh and light as if it just got on a table from a garden. Everything in this restaurant is bubbling with contagious pulsing energy of wildlife.

Bill: $$$$

Service: ****


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