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Moscow Oratorio Society

Phone: 956 0978

Expat Choir. The Moscow Oratorio Society will begin rehearsals (Wednesday evenings) in September for a holiday concert Handel’s Messiah and other seasonal music. All voice parts welcome.


No experience is necessary… only a commitment to create beautiful music…


The Moscow Oratorio Society cordially invites you to join our choir of amateur Russian and expat singers from around the world. In a series of concerts in early December, we will perform selections from Handel’s Messiah and a medley of spectacularly orchestrated seasonal classics, with the world famous Musical Viva Orchestra. All concert proceeds and corporate donations will go to charity programs supporting Russian children and elderly people in need.

Directed by renowned conductor Alexander Tsaliuk, we work at our rehearsals with a professional accompanist from the Moscow Conservatory. Sheet music and CD’s with individual voice parts are provided for home study. Rehearsals take place at the Linguistic Gymnasium, 3 Novinsky Boulevard (Metro Smolenskaya) on Wednesday evenings from 7-9:30 PM beginning on September 19, and on Saturdays beginning six weeks before the concert.

We will begin our season on a “social note” with a party at a local dacha for old, new, and prospective members. (Date and time TBA). If you love to sing and would like to join a lively and likeminded group of committed amateur singers, please call Carol at 8-910-446-57-11, e-mail or visit

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