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The Information Center of the Independent Women’s Forum (ICIWF)

Phone: 366-9274

The Information Center of the Independent Women's Forum (ICIWF) seems to be more often updated and informative in local issues.

Program "Open Women Line" is aimed at creation in Russia of the social-information Internet-resource for women for expansion of easy access for women to new information resources and development of information exchanges between women’s organizations as in Russia and as well on international level. Has links to a great number of women’s NG organizations in Russia. Unfortunately, the site updates not very often.

Among different recourses of the site two seemed to be most informative and useful. They are Regional Public Organization “East-West: Women’s Innovation Projects” and The Information Center of the Independent Women’s Forum (ICIWF).

The Information Center of the Independent Women’s Forum (ICIWF), which could be found on the site, either at seems to be more often updated and informative in local issues. The Center regularly holds information and educational seminars and conferences for women. It reports about the regional women’s initiatives; educational programs for women; institutionalization of women’s movement.

They conduct activity in the form of public expertise and consultations; analysis and research work; arrange meetings, seminars, conferences and discussions, united by topics and directions into actions and projects. ICIWF issues a magazine "Vestnik" (registered in State Committee for Publishing of Russian Federation), electronic women’s magazine "Information Leaflets of ICIWF" (registered in Ministry for Publishing Affairs, TV-radio broadcasting, and mass communications), and information bulletin "Vestnichka of ICIWF" (registered in Ministry for Publishing Affairs, TV-radio broadcasting, and mass communications). "Vestnichka of ICIWF" is a print edition of the "Information Leaflet of ICIWF". Besides ICIWF works as a resource and consultation center for women’s NGOs, researchers, post-graduate students, and students from Russia and CIS, who study gender equality and human rights.

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