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Russian Silhouette In Search of New Fashion Designers
By Alevtina Kashitsina
Photos by Alexey Gorov

Barely had the Russian Fashion Week finished in October, than the Russian Silhouette Foundation started looking for new, young designers to participate in the next Week. On November 11 the foundation organized the competition in Moscow’s Gostiny Dvor. Russian Silhouette is celebrating its 10th anniversary this year, with affiliates in most of the CIS and Baltic countries. The finale of their competition attracted fashion designers from France, Italy, and Germany. International designers Andrew Gn, Daniel Wingate (Escada), and Claude Bonucci were among the guests, with Russia’s Victoria Andreyanova, Alexander Vassiliev, Evelina Khromchenko, and Alexander Terehov sitting on the jury. Li Chen opened the fashion show with his collection “Believe.” Furs, feathers, and original combinations of colors made this show unforgettable.

The show lasted about two hours and featured five fashion designers from Russia and the CIS. It was extremely difficult for the jury to choose only one winner, but in the end awarded Andrey Repin the grand-prix for his collection “Street 69.” Repin won offers to work in Mariella Burani (Bosco), openhagen Fur, L’Officiel, and KUSSO, and also to participate in the next Russian Fashion Week.

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