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Presentation of ArtVille Décor Studio
Text by Kashitsina Alevtina
Photos courtesy of Pokrovka Suite Hotel

On October 25 the new studio of decorative art “ArtVille” held its opening in the boutique hotel Ma Maison Pokrovka Suite Hotel (27 Pokrovka street), which is located close to the show room of the studio. “Live pictures” entertained guests, among whom one could notice Svetlana Konegen, Egor Druzhinin, Giya Lordkipanidze, Lelya Tutubara, Nikas Safronov, David Sarkisyan, Alexander Shein, Nadezhda Nurieva and Olga Brovkina. The soiree was rich with performances. Nina Chusova presented a piece from her recent theatre production “Turmoil in a Pigeonloft.” DJ Osadchy played his mixes, and a famous St. Pete group named Lera Gehner Band provided musical background for Nikas Safronov’s painting on Lincrusta.

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