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Action for Russia’s Children – Two Charity Balls Equal Double the Help!
Text by Linda Lippner
Photos by Ruslan Sergeev

Action for Russia’s Children ( had a unique concept for raising money for the seven charities it supports in Russia; Throw two fabulous balls on one weekend in October at the glittering Yar restaurant; invite a “happening” band from London along with a live auction hosted by Mike Southon, best-selling author and business guru, and watch the fun and the raising of meaningful funds for ARC’s charity support.

The first ball focused on ARC’s corporate sponsors, and they attended en masse to bid on silent and live auction items, including a fabulous vacation in Tuscany, artwork, and even a visit from a massage therapist to a stressed corporate manager’s offi ce! The second ball was attended by other individual supporters of ARC, led by the British Ambassador to Russia, Sir Tony Brenton and Lady Brenton. Many thanks to the following corporate sponsors and other dedicated individuals: Linklaters, Chevron, Ernst & Young, De Beers, Jones Lang LaSalle, Shell, Johnson&Johnson and Adidas Group.

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