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Samantha Gee

Travel writer and tour organizer Samantha Gee caught the travel bug as a child growing up in the UK. By the age of 18, Sam was backpacking solo around Australia. She has also made extensive trips throughout Africa and Asia – including trekking around Mongolia on horseback. She studied Russian at Bristol University, which led to a career in the travel industry. Over the last eight years she has studied, worked and traveled throughout Russia and Central Asia – and finally made a permanent move to Moscow in March of this year. This month Sam profiles an equally avid traveler, Italian businesswoman Stefania Zini, whose overland expeditions have literally taken her around the world.



Elizabeth Buchanan

Elizabeth Buchanan traveled to Rostov Veliky this month to discover the Golden Ring’s best-kept secret. During the week, Elizabeth manages public relations for Moscow-based communications and marketing group Point Passat. She spends much of her free time discovering new destinations in Russia. A native of New York and a Moscow resident for the last two years, Elizabeth has also lived in Saratov, Ryazan and St. Petersburg. In August, she reported for PASSPORT on the phenomenal growth of the Russian beer industry.






Luke Tchalenko

Roving photojournalist Luke Tchalenko was born in South London in 1977 and took his first roll of black-and-white film fifteen years later in Peckham. He now lives in Moscow and takes photographs for leading British, Canadian and American newspapers and magazines, including The Times, The Globe and Mail and World of Interiors. Luke had his first solo exhibition, East of Peckham, in London this year and is currently preparing a project in the Middle East. A longtime PASSPORT contributor, this month Luke photographed the future stars at the Spartak tennis academy in northern Moscow.

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