Introducing the Passport Times
"You can't go anywhere in carriages of the past." Maxim Gorki | September is an important month for investors in Russia - business leaders, investors, and investment bankers join the Moscow traffic jams after the long August holidays to get ready for the long December/January holidays. The month begins with an important investor conference, the Euromoney Conference at the Radisson Hotel on September 11 & 12. This fall, Passport Magazine, Russia's leading monthly for Expats and visitors to Moscow, plans to feature a special section for those with a financial interest in the future of Russia: investors, both institutional and individual, strategic and financial; investment and commercial bankers; financial officers and others.
The Passport Times will feature fresh commentaries and insight from some of Moscow's best and most interesting financial and business writers, without the benefit of charts and graphs, in order to give them a means to express themselves in a way they do not in research reports. Thus, every investor will want to take home Passport as a guide to Moscow and its evirons, and Passport Times for its new and informative insight into Russia's economy and the financial scene.
As you probably know, Passport Magazine has become the leading English language lifestyle publication for Expats living in and visitors to Moscow. It has been published monthly for almost four years and it is distributed in Moscow at the beginning of each month to more than 350 locations in the city including better hotels and restaurants, business centers, and embassies. Passport's print and distribution run is 40,000 copies and there will be special distributions with the Passport Times section at strategic locations and event that are likely to draw visiting investors and investment and financial professionals.
We invite key investment and financial firms in Moscow to advertise in the Passport Times. We will also be asking our advertisers and other investment leaders in Moscow for their comments on specific issues about life in Russia and the investment environment.
I would also appreciate you comments on this concept and any suggestions. Of course, we especially would be thankful for any suggestions about how to attract investment and financial related advertisers to Passport.
We wish you a warm and pleasant Babya Leto (Indian Summer) in Moscow, and a short winter.
Charles W Borden Managing Editor, Passport Times Director, Meridian Capital Management Mob: +7 (985) 768-8505 Skype: cborden3 |