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Charity Bazaar Attracts Growing Numbers
Text and photographs by John Bonar

Crowds turned out in August for a day of fun and culture at the Indonesian Charity Bazaar. This is fast becoming a summer tradition in Moscow and well in excess of 1,000 people turned up at the spacious Embassy compound on Novokuznetskaya ulitsa and eagerly bought Indonesian handicrafts and other products including clothes by Tatyana Sudaryanto, the Russian designer who has sought inspiration from Bali. The main prize of the grand raffle was return tickets for two from Moscow to Jakarta by Emirates Airlines.

The growing popularity and impact of Indonesia in Moscow life was evidenced by the substantial increase in turnout, up from some 750 people last year.

A traditional Balinese dancer performs for the crowd

Indonesians students in Moscow donned traditional costumes to welcome the many members of the diplomatic corps, government officials, businessmen, expatriates and
Russian friends of Indonesia to the bazaar.

An Indonesian group played to the
happy gathering

Indonesian Embassy 1st Secretary Johannes O.S. Manginesela with Voice of Russia presenter Estelle Winters

Two face painted
young performers wait for their turn on stage

H.E. Air Vice Marshall (Rtd), Edward Mantey, Ambassador of Ghana, with his grandson Jeffrey enjoy the festivities

Marina Skoromotyslova (left)
of Emirates explains the airline’s wide range of destinations in Asia to visitors to the bazaar.

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