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Retail News

Russia’s first Health Hypermarket

As they say, first appearances can be confusing. When one walks by the large storefront of the just-opened Lokatel health store located near Oktyabraskaya metro station, it looks like from the logo and the window display that it is a supermarket for wheelchairs, and other handicap aids. However, one is pleasantly surprised upon entering this new one-stop health store that handicap aids are only one of many things that are sold in Lokatel. This American-style wellness supermarket stocks everything from gym equipment to shampoos and health food products. Lokatel also has a diagonostic lab, a pharmacy and hearing aid products. As for eyewear, Lensmaster has an in-store center providing a complete line of contact lenses and eyeglasses. Prices seem to be very reasonable and they offer loyalty discount cards. Lokatel has dozens of locations in its native Venezuala as well as in Columbia and Florida.

Kaluzhskaya square, 1 /2
Tel: +7 (495) 660 8641

Personal Time Manager Service

Everybody knows that Moscow is a big and crowdied city. For the average foreigner who comes here it poses even bigger problems because of the language problem and simple lack of time. But what if one comes to the Russian capital for a long time and needs more than just a day’s sightseeing but a substantial knowledge of where to go, what to buy, where to take the family out? No matter how complicated the situation seems, there is a simple and reliable way out. Personal Concierge Service are here to help Moscow residents and visitors to save time. They offer VIP services from miscellaneous errands around the city to arranging leisure time, and help with the house or children.

Personal Concierge Service
Tel.: +7 (495) 500-7046,

New Expeditsia store opens on Tverskaya

The latest of a fast growing chain of franchised retail stores of Expeditia has opened on Tverskaya street, close to Pushkin Square. Expeditia is a brand of the Ruyan Group and has achieved national prominence through its staging of the longest winter car race in the world, over 16,000 kms from Murmansk to Vladivostok. Much of that journey is off-road competion with a cracking pace to make the finish line in Vladivostok, just 14 days after starting in the Arctic circle port of Murmansk. The stores sell active wear, equipment for camping and simple expeditions as well as an unusual range of souvenirs from hand crafted fur boots to intricate carvings from walrus and mammoth tusks. They also have a range of Russian and English language T-shirts which make unusual souvenirs from Russia and some fun pocket games.

Tverskaya, 18
Tel.: +7 (495) 694-3461

Revolutionary Dental Salon

Boston Aesthetic Stomatology Institute has opened its first location in Russia. The trend of aesthetic stomatology demands high skill and an almost artistic approach to a patient. Specialists at the clinic Konstantine Rankin and Ivetta Shvartsman are qualified from the best American schools and have more that 15 years experience in rehabilitation of the difficult cases. They mastered the newest technology called neuromuscular stomatology. This trend considers the dentition in whole and subscribes the treatment for full recovery and an entirely new smile. Most people avoid visiting dentists. Dental Spa in addition to the modern treatment turns it into a relaxing procedure. Friendly personnel, light sounds of the sea and elegant design are the things that wait for you in the clinic.

Michurinski Prospect, Elite Residential Compound “Shuvalovskii”, Dental Spa.

Designer Slippers

A new trademark, Razgoulyaev Blagonravova has entered the niche of home footwear, or slippers. It all started from a romantic family tradition. A grand father of one of the designers Mr. Razgoulyaev gifted hand made home shoes on the wedding anniversary to his beloved partner Mrs. Blagonravova. From then on that gift became traditional in this family and a full collection came to Liudmila Razgoulyaeva- Blagonravova, their grand daughter. That was the first inspiration to launch a new brand. “Razgoulyaev Blagonravova” started in April with the inspiration taken from the Peasant Cycle of Kazemir Malevich, Russian avant-gardist of 20th century. They have produced a limited edition of warm and bright slippers at around 5,000 rubles.

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