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Novotel Sheremetyevo 15th anniversary
By Annet Kulyagina
Photos courtesy of Novotel

This spring one of the most popular Moscow hotels, Novotel Sheremetyevo, celebrated its 15th anniversary. Novotel today is one of the modern multifunctional complexes, the place for business meetings, a peaceful place to have rest and is especially convenient if you want to bring your regional sales force from across Russia to Moscow for a training conference or seminar. The hotel also has a secure floor for transiting passengers waiting for a connecting flight.

The Novotel is proud of their development achieved over the 15 years. The main facade of the hotel was changed, the guest rooms were renovated and converted to high quality luxury standard, comfortable conference rooms were equipped with the last technology.

The hotel is operated by the French group, ACCOR which is the main reason for celebrating events under the framework of Russia and France. The management of Novotel prepared a lot of surprises for their guests. They were met with the classical sounds played by the musicians of Moscow Conservatory. Alexey Kortnev opened the show with famous Russian artists, while the reception hall of was decorated with beautiful ice sculptures and flowers.

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