Russian Tigers and Leopards
The 4th Gala Evening to help raise funds to save the Amur tigers and leopards from extinction, took place on November 29th at the Renaissance Hotel in Moscow. The evening was organised by the Anglo-Russian Charity Fund AMUR with the support of two of its patrons: Lord Fairfax of Cameron and the Russian singer Ilia Lagutenko (better known as “Mumi Troll”). The evening was attended by many VIPs and business people who are all interested in helping to protect the heritage of Russian wildlife.
The event was opened by a welcome speech of Mr Anthony Brenton, British Ambassador, in which he emphasized the importance and significance of the occasion, as it helps to raise not only money, but also awareness about the critical status of the two Russian big cats. There are only about 400 Amur tigers and less than 35 Amur leopards living in the wild. These two felines are included in the Russia Red List of Endangered Species.
The AMUR Fund is also supported by A-1 Alfagroup, KPMG, Worldwide Company Services Limited, Marriott, and Peak Partners.