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Independence Day of Malysia Celebrated
Photos by Liza Azarova

A large gathering of diplomats, businessmen and media representatives celebrated Malaysian Independence Day at the end of August as guests of H.E. Dato Mohamad Khalis and Mrs Khalis in the Malaysian Embassy. Next year the country is celebrating its 50th anniversary of independence and has already designated year 2007 as Visit Malaysia Year. The objectives of the campaign are to reinforce the country's popularity as a choice tourist destination and to reinforce Malaysia’s image as a tourist-friendly country.

L-R, H.E. Md Janin Erih, Ambassador of Brunei Darussalam; Mrs Amerlak Prompoj and H.E. Sorayouth Prompoj, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Thailand; H.E. Ambassador Khalis and H.E. Michael Tay, Ambassador of Singapore

L-R, H.E. Mustafa Kamal Kazi, Ambassador of Pakistan; H.E. Abdulhameed Hasan, Ambassador of Bahrain and H.E. Jorge Marte Martinez, Ambassador of Cuba.

Ambassador and Mrs. Khalis greeting a guest

Prominant Singapore businessman, Basil Rajendram (L) and Firdaus Omar of the Malyasian Embassy

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