The 10th Anniversary of the Association of European Businesses (the European Business Club for nine of those years) was celebrated on December 2 with a dinner and dance at the Renaissance Penta Hotel.
Apart from AEB members, guests from Russia and Europe included senior representatives of Russian ministries and federal services, the Ambassadors of Belgium, Germany, Ireland and Poland, and the head of Delegation of the European Commission, Mr Marc Franco. Other European Embassies were represented by Minister Counsellors.
Mr Michel Perhirin, Chairman of the Executive Board of the AEB, opened proceedings with a review of the organisation's contribution to European business over the past 10 years. He recognized the efforts and contributions of previous Chairmen Seppo Remes and Volker Undorf, of the European Business Club's founding fathers, the EC Delegation, and AEB Committee Chairmen and other members.
Mr Franco told guests of his increasing respect for the organisation since his first encounters a year ago and congratulated Mr Perhirin and CEO Andreas Romanos on the advances the Association has made under their stewardship over the last year and a half. He noted the mutual interest of the EU and Russia in increased convergence over the next 10 years and looked forward to the AEB's contribution to the process.
Finally, a 10th year birthday cake was presented to Mr Geoffrey Cox, Chairman of the AEB's Council of National Representatives, before guests turned to dancing until the small hours.