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Russian Fashion Week, Moscow Spring/Summer 2006

Those whose lives are charmed by attendance at catwalk shows all over the world know that the Russian Fashion Week is becoming one of the world’s top fashion events. Moscow is rising fast, within a year or two this show is going to be up there on a par with the Milan and New York Fashion Weeks. This eighth show in Moscow was pretty international with designers and collections from France, the USA, Great Britain, Peru, Lithuania and the Ukraine presenting their collections to Moscow fashion connoisseurs. The organizers treated visitors to a whole day of Italian fashion during which five participants of Milan Fashion Week, Romeo Gigli, Guerriero, EXTE, La Perla and Pollini by Rifat Ozbek, presented their glamorous collections. 11 days, 59 catwalk shows, 500 models, 50 000 visitors and the high praise of Mario Boselli, the President of Camera Nazionale della Moda Italiana (National Chamber of Italian Fashion). It seems like the coming spring and summer are in good hands.

Sitka Semch

Romeo Gigli

Yulia Dalakyan


La Perla

Boy George

Lubov Voyush

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