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Knights of the Vine RUSSIA

Kid's Stuff

The Way of the Little Samurai

The ban on promoting and studying of the martial arts in the Soviet Union was abolished only in 1990. Since then many schools, sections and clubs have appeared in Moscow and elsewhere in Russia. Training in martial arts is not just a way to learn fighting, but a journey to spiritual and physical harmony. When choosing the right kind of martial arts it is important to think of its relevance to your child’s physical development and abilities. Usually there are 2-3 lessons per week, in groups from 5 to 20 students. Individual lessons also available at many clubs. Type of uniform is different for every kind of martial arts. Consult your child’s trainer before buying the uniform, as sport shops offer a wide choice of clothes for exercise and prices may vary.

Dedication and attention are very important in mastering any kind of martial arts. Wushu is Traditional Chinese martial art and features many systems. Taekwon-do is not only an effective defense system but an exercise in spirituality and will power. In Aikido physical strength is not crucial for victory: unlike all other martial arts where competition is an essence, aikido practice is mainly an exercise for defense; students learn self-control first of all. Karate is a rather complex system of physical and psychological exercises.

Citi-Go-Sun Aikido Club
Training mainly for youth. Children from 5 years old can enroll. There are 3 age groups: 5 to 7, 8 to 10, 11 to 13, and 2 groups according to training level: 1st year and 2nd and more years of training.
For further details call (095) 109 2465, 543 5315 or email to: and visit

10 Ul. Yablochkova, sports hall in School #1236, M. Timiryazevskaya, lessons on Mon, Wed, Fri.
21 Zhivopisnaya Ul., sportcomplex “Stadion Oktyabr”, inside “Dom Fizkultury building, M. Otyabrskoye Pole, Tschukinskaya, Tue, Thu, Sat.
8 Palehskaya Ul., inside school #750, M. VDNKh, bus #172, trolleybus 75 to “Shkola” bus stop, Mon, Wed, Fri.
3a Elizavetinskiy Per., inside Neo Yoga studio, M. Kurskaya, Tue, Thu, Sat.

Federation of Traditional Kobudo
For teenagers only, from 16 years old. Lessons on Wednesday and Friday for beginners, from 19.30 to 21.30, near M. Ulitsa 1905 Goda; membership is 1500 roubles a month. Call (095) 776 5793 to find out about addresses and requirements.

Kentavr Kickboxing Club
Groups for children from 7 years old. Timetables and prices will be announced by October. Call (095) 459 9986 or 8 926 207 1657 for further information. 58/17 Leningradskoye Shosse, M. Vodny Stadion

Federation of Okinawa Karate
For children from 5 years old, lessons in mornings and afternoons, from 700 roubles per month. Training is carried out in 21 locations; please inquire for addresses near you and timetables at Federation’s main office or email to:
13 Snezhnaya Ul., Sindo Club, (095) 740 9457, 180 9473, M. Botanicheskiy Sad, Sviblovo

Moscow School of Taekwon-do
For children older than 5 years. Lessons in more than 20 centers, prices and timetables vary, depending on age groups and location. Call (095) 111 7080, 505 6508 or email at for further information.

Youth Federation of Aikido
For 14 year old teenagers and older. Lessons on Mon, Wed, Fri; from 7:30 pm to 9 pm. 900 roubles per month.
13 Krasnokazarmennaya Ul., M. Aviamotornaya, inside new building of Moscow Energetic University, 1st floor, 8-903-715-50-91

Koinobori Aikido Club
Branch of World Aikido Headquarters based in Japan, member of Russian Federation of Aikido Aikikai. Children starting from 6 years old can enroll. About 1400 roubles per month. Many locations. Lessons in mornings and afternoons.
Call (095) 727-9782, 128-7835 or e-mail to for further information on addresses and timetables.

Federation of Traditional Karate
Children from 6 years old. are accpeted, but better if the child is 10 years old at least. Many training locations; lessons 2 times per week for beginners, usually in late afternoon.
44B Perovskaya Ul., M. Perovo, 10-15 minutes walking, (095) 369 0573, 306 4645
7 Fryazevskaya Ul., M. Novogireevo, 5 minutes walking, (095) 368-8370
3A Lomonosovsky Prospekt, inside school #187, M. Universitet or Profsoyuznaya 2 stops by tramway to the stop Institute Pediatrii, then 5 minutes walking, (095) 357 1455
25A Otkrytoye Shosse, inside school #373, M. Ulitsa Podbelskogo, (095) 229 3179
More locations will be announced soon, call (095) 369 0573, 504 8783 for more information.

Senkai Moscow Aikido Club
Member of Federation of Aikido in Russia. Several locations in the city.
Please email to: for detailed information.

Moscow Federation of Wushu
The main base of Moscow Federation of Wushu. This school is the most active center in Moscow for promoting of Wushu. Call (095) 270 0168 or email to
63 Rabochaya Ul., Wushu Section Palace of Youth Sports , M. Rimskaya, Ploschad Iliycha

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