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Community News
International Women’s Club IWC will hold its first General Meeting and Interest Group Sign-Up of the new club year on September 22, from 10am to 12pm at the US Ambassador’s Residence (Spaso House), 10 Spasopeskovsky Per., M. Smolenskaya. Contact Barbara Spier
British Women’s Club Monthly meeting on September 13, from 10am to 11.30am, at the British Embassy. British passport holders and partners of British passport holders are welcome. Contact Barbara Carter (916) 788 9340,, or Laura Jobson (916) 836 0558 if you are planning to go.
American Chamber of Commerce in Russia The 4th Annual Soccer Tournament organized by the AmCham will take place at the Small Arena of Dinamo Stadium on September 17, from 9am to 7pm. 32 teams from AmCham member companies will compete for prizes before a crowd of more than 1,500 cheering colleagues, relatives and friends. For more information call (095) 961 2141 or write Irina Angel at
St Andrew’s Church Sunday services at 8.30am, 11am and 6.30pm. 8 Voznesensky Per., M. Pushkinskaya, (095) 229 0990.
Alcoholics Anonymous English-speaking group meets Tuesday, Thursday, Friday at 7:30pm and Saturday at 5pm at St Andrew’s Church. 8 Voznesensky Per., M. Pushkinskaya. Contact Tony (095) 763 2060.
The British Women’s Club Famiily Network Regular family-orientated activities, including a Mother & Toddler group, Mums’ Nights Out and family Sunday brunches. Members also receive a monthly newsletter and a ‘Children in Moscow’ guide. Please visit for further information or email
Downside Up Centre for children with Down’s syndrome. Contact Tatyana Menshenina (095) 951 079,,
African Women in Moscow
A monthly meeting will be held on September 25 at 1pm. Ladies who are interested should call Funke Adejinle, (095) 680 6089.
Afterwork Meeting Point Founded in 1999, AfterWork MeetingPoint is Moscow’s premier business networking event. Held every Wednesday from 7pm till 10pm at the Coconuts (15 Ul. Myasnitskaya), it is a place where expat and Russian business people get together to enjoy making business and personal contacts in an informal atmosphere. Please contact Irina Usenkova or check for more information.
American Women’s Organization An Annual Membership Kick-Off Meeting on September 7 at Hard Rock Cafe, 10.30am. Monthly meetings on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday at Hard Rock Cafe, 10.30am. Contact Louise Ashbridge,, or Judy Jakubowski,
Action for Russia’s Children (ARC) Autumn Charity Ball September 17, 7.30pm at restaurant Yar, 32/2 Leningradsky Pr. Tickets at $150 per person. For further information contact Gwen Burton on (095) 202 4181,
Australian and New Zealand Women’s Group A regular monthly meeting will be September 7, 5/7 Kamergersky Per., Apt. 11. Membership is open to all female Australian and New Zealand citizens and to female spouses of Australian and New Zealand passport holders. For more details contact Joy Harris at (095) 225 4915, (095) 722 6113,
Trade Exhibitions
Expocentr 14 Krasnopresnenskaya Nab., M. Krasnopresnenskaya or Ulitsa 1905 Goda
Domashny Uyut 2005/Home Tex 2005 4th Specialized Exhibition of Home Textiles. Sept. 7-9. Forum Pavilion, Tel.: (095) 255 2557
CPM. Collection Premiere Moscow 2005 (Autumn) 5th International Exhibition of Fashion and Accessories September 7-10. Pavilions 3, 4, 6 and 7, Tel.: (095) 255 2545
Kino Expo 2005 7th Int. Exhibition of Motion Picture Theatre Equipment, Digital Cinema, Concessions, Cinema Theatre Infrastructure, In-theatre Entertainment, Film Distribution and Marketing, Film Production and Post-Production. For more information see September 13-16. Pavilion 7 (Halls 1 and 2), Tel.: (095) 205 7570
World Food Moscow 2005 14th Moscow Int. Exhibition of Food and Drinks organized by ITE. September 20-23. 3rd Moscow International Conference “World Food Moscow”. September 20-22. Expocentr, Pavilions 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 and Forum Pavilion, 14 Krasnopresnenskaya Nab., Tel.: (095) 255 3927
Shop Design 2005 9th Int. Exhibition of Shop Fitting, Visual Merchandising, and Retail Technology. September 20-23. Pavilion 7 (Halls 1, 2, 5, and 6),Tel.: (095) 255 2545
Buy Brand 2005 3rd Int. Franchise and Other Business Opportunities Exhibition September 20-22. Pavilion 7 (Halls 3 and 4), Tel.: (095) 255 2557.
Publishing Expo 2005 Exhibition and Conference providing opportunity for Russian and international representatives of publishing business to meet their colleagues, partners, and potential investors. September 27-29 Pavilion 7 (Halls 3 and 4), Tel.: (095) 205 7535.
CROCUS EXPO 2 Crocus City Trade and Exhibition Complex, Krasnogorsk-4, Krasnogorsk, Moscow Region. Tel.: (095) 727 2424
Interavto Russian and foreign autoconstructors and equipment producers present their products. For more details see September 2-7. Pavilion 1 (Halls 2, 3, and 4)
Interstoff Rossiya 2005 International Exhibition of Textile Industry. September 7-9 Pavilion 2 (Halls 6)
Techtextil Rossiya 2005 Internation exhibition of light industry products. September 7-9 Pavilion 2 (Hall 5)
Refrigerating Equipment September 13-16. Pavilion 1 (Hall 1)
Commercial Vehicles and Passenger Transportation September 13-16. Pavilion 1 (Hall 1)
Handlex Russia 2005 3rd International Exhibition of Lifting and Transporting Equipment and Technologies. For more information see September 13-16. Pavilion 1 (Hall 4)
MST 2005 4th International Exhibition of Construction Engineering and Equipment. For more information see September 13-16. Pavilion 1 (Hall 4)
ISPO Russia International exhibition of sport industry in Russia. For more information see September 14-17. Pavilion 1 (Hall 3)
Dental Expo 2005 18th Moscow International Dental Forum September 20-23. Pavilion 2 (Hall 8)
Ambiente Rossiya International Exhibition of jewelry, gifts, watches, and works of art. September 21-24. Pavilion 1 (Halls 1 and 4)
Heimtextil Rossiya International exhibition of light industry products September 21-24. Pavilion 1 (Halls 1 and 4)
Christmas World Rossiya International exhibition of jewelry, gifts, watches, works of art. September 21-24. Pavilion 1 (Halls 1 and 4)
Passage Asia 2005 International exhibition of jewelry, gifts, watches, works of art. September 21-24. Pavilion 1 (Halls 1 and 4)
Millionaire Fair International exhibition of jewelry, gifts, watches, and works of art. For more information see September 25-28. Pavilion 2 (Halls 5 and 6)
Infocom 2005 International exhibition of information technologies. For more information see September 28-Oct. 1. Pavilion 1 (Halls 2, 3, and 4)
Marine Salon 2nd Moscow International Salon of Yachts and Cutters. For more information see September 29-October 2. Pavilion 2 (Hall 8)
MICE Russia 2nd Moscow Int. Workshop “Meetings Incentives Conferences Events” organized by ITE. For more information see September 20.
WORLD TRADE CENTRE 2, 12 Krasnopresnenskaya Nab., M. Krasnopresnenskaya. Tel.: (095) 935 7350.
Cardex & IT Security 2005 2nd Moscow Int. Exhibition “Smart Card & IT Security Expo”. September 27-29 2nd Moscow International Conference “Smart Card & IT Security Expo”. September 27-28 For more information see
CSKA SPORT COMPLEX 39 Leningradsky Pr., Bldg. 1. M. Dinamo, Tel.: (095) 101 4407.
MIOFF 2005 III Moscow International Open Fitness Festival. For more information see September 21-23
Russo-British Chamber of Commerce Events
For time and venue details please contact Peter Ollier at (095) 961 2160,
September 7 Seminar: Medium and Small Businesses, Business Networking Event – AIG, VIP Speaker: Mr A. Kostin, VP of RBCC, Baltschug Kempinski Hotel
September 13 Working Lunch: Briefing with Malcolm Wicks, UK Energy Minister, Baltschug Kempinski Hotel
September 28 Business Breakfast: DVA Invest
October 12-13 RussiaTalk 2005
Association of European Businesses
September 13 AEB ENERGY COMMITTEE: Briefing by Malcolm Wicks, UK Minister for Energy, who will speak on “Priorities for EU-Russia Energy Relations during the UK’s Presidency of the EU and G8” Open Event
September 15 AEB REAL ESTATE COMMITTEE: Open Event
September 20 AEB RECRUITMENT SUB-COMMITTEE: Recruiter’s Day
September 28 AEB KRASNODAR STEERING COMMITTEE: International Economic Forum “Kuban 2005”
September 29 AEB TAXATION COMMITTEE: Open Event
September (contact AEB for further details) AEB CORPORATE GOVERNANCE WORKING GROUP: Round table “Effectiveness of Independent Directors”
September (contact AEB for further details) AEB ENERGY COMMITTEE: Briefing by V. Milov, President of Institute of Energy Policy, “Russian Energy Policy: Challenges in a Broader Context”
Open Event
September (contact AEB for further details) AEB HUMAN RESOURCES COMMITTEE: Open Event
British Council
7th Education UK Exhibition 42 Universities, 7 Colleges and 5 Boarding Schools will give information on their courses, scholarships, admission process and living conditions. The visitors can attend open seminars, take an English test for free and enjoy free Wi-Fi connection. For more information see or contact Elizaveta Pakulina on (095) 782 0200, TsDKh, 10 Krymsky Val, M. Oktyabrskaya or Park Kultury, 12pm to 6pm.