How a Foreign Citizen in the Russian Federation Can Replace Lost Documents
Julia Yakhina,
LEVINE Bridge,
Director, Migration department
If a foreign citizen in the Russian Federation loses his or her personal documents (passport, work permit, migration card, etc.), he or she must immediately make a declaration of the fact regarding the lost documents to the police department or at the place of his/her stay, or at the place of temporary residence in Russia.
The foreigner will then be issued the appropriate certificate confirming his or her claim that the documents were lost. After that it is necessary for the foreigner to replace personal identification document in the consulate of his/her citizenship.
A foreign citizen who enters the Russia Federation under a visa-free regime replaces only his or her migration card in the relevant territorial Department of the Federal Migration Service. A duplicate arrival notification of the foreigner is obtained via the same district office of the FMS in which the previous notification of arrival was filed.
If a foreign citizen is visiting Russia on the basis of visa, the application for replacing the visa, the migration card and notification of arrival is made to the Visa division of the relevant Department of the Federal Migration Service. A duplicate Russian visa of the exact same type as the previous visa can then be issued.
If the loss occurred just prior to departure from Russia and relatively close to the expiration date of the visa, a foreigner is not required to obtain a duplicate visa in order to exit from the country, but he or she instead can be issued an exit (transit) visa which is valid for a period of 10 days.
Citizens of the European Union (with some exceptions), in accordance with article 8 of the Agreement between the Russian Federation and the EU, in the event of lost identification documents on the territory of the Russian Federation, are permitted to exit from Russia without a visa or other authorization. Under this scenario, a foreign citizen who has been issued an identification document by his or her ñonsulate in the Russian Federation has the right to depart from the territory of the Russian Federation without a visa.
To replace a work permit for a foreigner staying in Russia with a valid visa, the employer must make the appropriate application at the same territorial Department of the FMS from which the original work permit was issued. If the original work permit was issued within one month, the replaced duplicate of the work permit can be issued by the speeded-up procedure, in 14 working days.
Foreign citizens arriving in the Russian Federation under a visa-free regime, as well as those who have temporary residency status in Russia, apply for replacing of the work permit to the territorial Department of the FMS personally.
If a foreign citizen is a Highly-Qualified Specialist and loses his or her work permit, regardless of the region of the work permit’s validity, his or her employer must make the appropriate declaration for obtaining a duplicate to the Federal Migration Service of Russia located in Moscow.