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Quizzes Compiled by Ross Hunter
  1. The High Life

Moscow is not really a city of skyscrapers. That means the few tall buildings can be seen and enjoy great views. Here are five of the biggest and most famous, with views from them. As usual, they are shuffled. Can you pair them up?

The Swiss Hotel The Ostankino
TV Tower
The Russian
of Science
The Leningradsky
The Stalin
at Kotelnicheskaya

  1. Capital Holidays

Where did you go for your holidays? Match up these countries to their capital cities. Naturally, they are muddled up.

Countries: Sweden Namibia Australia Bangladesh Senegal Turkey Peru Chile Denmark Laos
Capitals: Canberra Dhaka Dakar Windhoek Ankara Stockholm Copenhagen Vientiane Lima Santiago

  1. A Paw Quiz

Have you been tracking animals on safari? Match up these prints to the animals. They have been shuffling, of course, and they are not to scale.

Fox Cat Bear
Lion Dog
  1. Mini Sudoku

August solutions

Central Moscow quiz:
Bolshoi Theatre (top left) The State Historical Museum (top right) Metropol Hotel The Kremlin GUM Kazan Cathedral

Radial roads:
NW: Tverskaya, N: Prospect Mira, NE: Myasnitskaya, E: Pokrovka, SE Solyanka/Marxistskaya, S: Yakimanka, SW: Ostozhenka, W: Novy Arbat

Ring roads:
Kremlin Ring, Boulevard Ring, Garden Ring, 3rd Transportation Ring, MKAD

Mini Sudoku: see  

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