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Knights of the Vine RUSSIA


Mathematical prototypes of objects

Whilst waiting for the Moscow House of Photography to reopen its reconstructed space in Ostozhenka street, one should not miss an exhibition it is holding at the Ekaterina Foundation gallery. Within the framework of the Year of France in Russia, French artist Fabrice Hyber presents his works: “Immortalité”.

Hyber’s genre has been quite difficult to identify over the past twenty years. It combines drawing, painting, sculpture, video installations and video films. After obtaining a degree in mathematics, Hyber successfully entered and graduated from the Nantes School of Fine Arts. He gained popularity through these “unidentified genres”.

September 7 – October 3
Ekaterina Foundation,
5 Bolshaya Lubyanka Street
Open: 11:00 – 20:00,
every daily except Monday

At home in France, he is a well-known and popular creative personality, with special missions representing France to his credit at the Bienale di Venezia, where in 1997 he won the Il Leone d’Oro prize for his installation Eau d’or, eau dort, odor.

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