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The Asian-Pacific charitable bazaar, Moscow on June 5
Brightly colored silks, foreign sweets and colorful national clothing
Photos by Alina Ganenko

Over 15 Asian-Pacific region embassies together with the APWQ (Asian-Pacific Women Group) organized this traditional event in order to help orphans and children with disabilities. Ambassadors’ wives took an active part in the event and sold their countries’ traditional goods with the help of volunteers. The Japanese embassy offered sushi and some other delicacies, Indian women sold cosmetics, incense and a vast variety of dressings and textiles. The Malaysian, Indonesian, Thai and Vietnamese embassies brought traditional food, handicrafts and souvenirs. Apart from food and handicrafts, 100 valuable items such as a large-screen-TV, electrical appliances, hotel and restaurant vouchers as well as interesting prizes from participating embassies were raffled. Guests from various embassies and the expat community were present and networked. The bazaar transformed one of the business halls of Radisson Slavyanskaya hotel into a real oasis of Asian culture.

“Many challenges lie before us due to the changes our world is going through. Nowadays the role of universal values is more recognized and appreciated. It is time to breathe new life into one such value, the tradition of charity, the striving to make society better, happier and safer. It is time for us to remember that offering a hand to the needy is a virtue. Moreover, we all want to contribute something valuable to our host country, which is well known for its charitable attitude, deeply rooted in the Russian national tradition with its culture,” commented one of the organizers.

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