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Knights of the Vine RUSSIA

Русский язык

How to: buy some time
Other than simply asking someone to wait, there are all kinds of ways to let someone know you’ll be right with them.

Just to distinguish between the key verbs:

Ждать – to wait (usually, always, now)

Подождать – to wait for a short time

Дождаться – to wait until the end

Asking formally

Будьте любезны, подождите, пожалуйста. Please be so kind as to wait.

Подождите меня, пожалуйста. Please wait for me.

Подождите немного. Please wait, not for long.

Подождите, если нетрудно. Please wait, if that’s not inconvenient for you.

Just a sec

Минуточку! Just a minute!

Секундочку! Hang on a second!

Подожди! Wait!

Just coming

Сейчас! (Pronounced ‘shas!’) Any moment now!

Сейчас буду! I’m right there!

Скоро буду! I’ll be with you soon.

Иду! I’m coming!

Бегу! I’m hurrying.

Лечу к тебе! I’m on my way to you (literally ‘I’m flying to you’)

Too excited to hold on

Я жду-не дождусь! I can’t wait!

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