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Stop! Who Goes There?: Youth Biennale 2008
Photos courtesy of Youth Bienale 2008

The Youth Biennale that took place in Moscow this June — right after the main “adult” art show Art Moscow — is aimed at showcasing not only young Russian talent but budding artists from all over the world. With the support of the Moscow government, the Biennale has grown in size and scope since its beginnings in 2002. Admirably, it has not lost its cheerful spirit, maintaining its focus on creativity and its objective of providing youth an opportunity to display their work at some of the city’s most appealing art venues. At Winzavod, a biennale project entitled “Apples fall in different gardens simultaneously” offered exhibitions of work by young artists who ad been selected by eminent curators. The Petrovka and Ermolayevsky affiliates of the Modern Art Museum presented expositions of young designers, painters, and photographers from America and Europe and graduates of the Pro Arte school. Art critics and the public learned new names that they will without a doubt be hearing again in the years to come.

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