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MONÉ Awards
Photos courtesy MONÉ

On April 24 the MONÉ Beauty Awards were presented at a ceremony at the Mir movie theater in Moscow. As the general director of the MONÉ chain of beauty salons, event organizer Alexander Glushkov knows something about beauty. The ”Muse” awards were presented in various categories — including film, theater, television, music, literature, and dance — to inspirational women recognized for their contributions as professionals and role models. Those honored included Olympic gymnastics champion turned Duma deputy Svetlana Khorkina (see interview in February issue of Passport), writer Maria Arbatova, television news anchor Maria Sittel, businesswoman and former presidential candidate Irina Khakamada, and actress Irina Skobtseva. Guests at the event included actors, writers, directors, and other celebrities. In addition to the awards ceremony, attendees were treated to a performance by the rock group Barkhat.

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