International Women’s Club Conference
Photos courtesy of IWC
As part of the activities marking its 30th anniversary, the International Women’s Club of Moscow organized its first conference, devoted to the theme of “Women in a Changing World.” Held on Thursday, March 27, at the Library for Foreign Literatures on Nikoloyamskaya Ulitsa, the event brought together a distinguished group of Russian and foreign panelists to discuss the challenges facing women worldwide and the forces that affect their lives. Conference organizers called upon women from six continents and a variety of professional spheres — from medicine to government to the arts and literature — to examine how the roles of women in public and private life have changed over the past three decades and what they are today. In addition to the conference’s obvious international emphasis, the organizers were particularly interested in providing IWC members with insight into women’s issues in Russia as well as a forum for exchanges between Russian and foreign women. Noting the high turnout at the event and the positive feedback they have received, IWC co-presidents Carmen Casey and Nubia Pirone de Meyer agreed that there is a need and desire to continue the discussions begun in March. They plan to organize another conference next year, when they hope to reach an even wider audience.