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Indian Culture in Concert
Linda Lippner
Photos Sergei Koshkin

On February 27, The Art of Living Foundation presented Indian popular singer Sahil Jagtiani in concert plus a glamorous Indian fashion show from Moscow-based clothing store Khazana Lifestyles ( This fundraising event held at the Mir concert hall on Tsvetnoi Bulvar demonstrated the wonderful results of the YES Plus courses (youth empowerment), with many students from Moscow helping to make it a fun evening. The festivities were part of 2008 as the year of “Russia in India,” which will be followed by the year of “India in Russia” in 2009. Sponsors included Bugatti coffee, Binatone electronics, Amtel properties and Uomo Collections. The India-based Art of Living Foundation will be sponsoring future seminars in Moscow and Russia in the coming months. For information, go to



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