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Contents of issue January 2012

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Exhibitions: Photography, Posters, Garden
10th Jubilee at Lumiere gallery. Stanley Kubrick: History in photographs 1945-1950. Polish Poster Art. Winter euphoria at the Apothecaries’ Garden.
Exhibitions: Paintings
Godunov. Elena Polenova’s world of fairy-tales. Dolce Napoli. Lost illusions: Tsar Paul.
Theatre Review

Happy New Year!
Happy New Year! (S Nastypayushim!). The Seagull. The Extraordinary adventures of T.S. and H.F. by Mark Twain. Prima Donnas.

Rules Regulating Foreign Currency in Russia
If you are planning on visiting any country, it is always helpful to be familiar with the rules governing the import and export of currency and other securities.
Literary Moscow

The Museum Flat of Alexei Tolstoy
In the centre of old Moscow, not far from Nikitskie Vorota square, there is a small house with a memorial plague fixed to one of the gates which says: “Here lived and worked A.N. Tolstoy.”

Newcomers to Russia struggle with the whole concept of giving flowers here.
Out and About

Awara Executive Night
Cigars, selected premium wines, cocktails and top executives: these and more featured at Awara Executive Night on December 1st.
William Blake at the Pushkin Museum
On Monday 28th November the new British Ambassador to Russia, His Excellency Tim Barrow, opened a fascinating exhibition of the art of the eighteenth century visionary, William Blake, in the concert hall of the Pushkin Museum on Volkhonka Street.
Whisky Live
On Saturday 26th November the Revolution Restaurant near Paveletskaya was host to the annual Whisky Live festival of malt, magic and madness.
Old Sailors Never Die
On Wednesday 7th December, the British Ambassador to the Russian Federation invited a group of Russian sailors and their fellows from other Allied countries of the Second World War, to the Embassy.
The Way It Is

Russia and the WTO
The news that Russia has finally been approved to join the WTO after an off-on 18-year negotiation period has passed almost unnoticed by the general public in Russia.
Abramovich vs. Berezovsky
It is often said that the British government wants the City of London to replicate “the Wimbledon effect”.
“Its been a long day in the Silicon Valley, its been a long day in the digital world…”.
The Way It Was

Red Wedding part I
The ceremony was set for 4.15 on 3 February 1987 at Moscow’s Palace of Weddings Number One.
Wine & Dining

Many of us, including me, often complain that there are very few budget restaurants in Moscow that prepare good wholesome food, and do not cost a fortune.

Seasonal Sips for a Supper Soiree or Shindig
It’s that time of year again, a month of chaos and then stillness.
Real Estate

What Does 2012 Hold for Real Estate
2011 saw quite substantial changes in the Moscow real estate market, which were mostly prompted by the changes in the city’s government in the wake of September 2010 dismissal of mayor Yury Luzhkov.
Russian government to encourage renting, but experts are skeptical. New project at Moskva-City. Economy-class lofts to arrive in Moscow. Developer flee to Moscow region.
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Russian Lesson
How to: Just say ‘Hello!’, How are things? If you haven’t seen someone in a while.

Puzzle Page
Photo quiz. Word Searches. Around Moscow (3). Mini Sudoku. Micro Sudoku.
Fables for Children
Happy New Year, 2012! This month, PASSPORT launches a new collection of stories for families.

Alan Moore
Football in Russia, the now and the future: an interview with Alan Moore.
Book Review

Piracy: Intellectual Property Wars from Gutenberg to Gates
Now that Russia is about to join the WTO it is appropriate to consider some of the reasons why negotiations have dragged on for eighteen years.
Things to Do

Passport presents: Moscow in winter
Museums. Commercial. Historical. Art Galleries. Skating!

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