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Contents of issue September 2010

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Armenian art at Pushkin Fine Arts
The current exhibition at the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts is a part of a long-term programme initiated by Irina Aleksandrovna Antonova.
Beehives for graphic design
Now that the Central House of Artists is not going to turn into a huge orange pumpkin, it is to become a beehive, for the first 20 days of September.
Rene Lalique and His Art
The words “art” and “quality” were never used in one sentence to describe art before the Art Nouveau movement at the turn of the 20th century.
The phenomenon of western photography of the USSR
The “Lithuanian school” in the context of Soviet photography from the 1960s to the 1980s had an important influence on Soviet photojournalism.
Prince Dolgorukov ‑ Master of Moscow
To celebrate Moscow’s 863rd anniversary, the State Historical Museum has put together an exhibition dedicated to Prince Vladimir Andreyevich Dolgorukov.
Mathematical prototypes of objects
Whilst waiting for the Moscow House of Photography to reopen its reconstructed space in Ostozhenka street, one should not miss an exhibition it is holding at the Ekaterina Foundation gallery.
Coming Up
The Trafalgar Ball, 23rd October.

Moscow’s Nightlife Swims
This summer, Moscow has been bombarded by some strange weather. The only remedy for such a summer is a pool and a beach party.
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Russian Language
How to… get by at the gym.
Your Moscow

Abramtsevo: Colony of Russian Art Nouveau
Consider a day trip to the peaceful 19th century artists’ colony and estate at Abramtsevo, located just south of Sergeyev Posad.
Green Parts – the North
Spoiled for choice this month. Moscow boasts a wide variety of green spaces on its northern side, all closer to the Third Ring than the MKAD, and all handy by car or Metro.

Magical, but dangerous tours
The first ever U2 concert in Russia is going to be not only a major musical event but also something of a political event.
The Way It Was

Romanian Reflections
Christmas 1989 was one of the holidays I managed to spend at home in Yorkshire.
The Collapse of the East European
The political map of the world shifted in 1989 in almost as radical a way as after the end of the Second World War.
Testaments: Marc Barrie
I first arrived in Russia in 1989. Prior to that I had lived here on and off from 1979 to 1981.
Testaments: Ian Mitchell
I spent the month of August 1989 as the guest lecturer aboard a small but luxurious cruise ship, the Illyria.
Testaments: Miguel Francis
I remember 1989 as a tough year. I was 3 years old back then, my Mom tells me it was a year of rough turbulence for us.
Beyond the Reset
In Petrostate, Marshall Goldman tells the story of the oil industry in Russia and how the country became and energy superpower.
A Grey Shadow of Soviet Man, Part II
A major factor that determined the social and psychological evolution of post-Soviet society was a cognitive vacuum.
Understanding the sales and service culture of Russia
American technology giants such as Microsoft, Google and DELL are proud of their humble origins.
The Smog
For those returning or having just returned from holidays abroad, reports about the smog in which Moscow was shrouded for a couple of weeks may seem exaggerated.
Book Review

Handsome Habsburg Homosexual
To anyone interested in the likely fate of the Slavic world in post-Soviet times, especially on the east European borderlands, this book will make fascinating reading.
Real Estate

Private Rental brokers: Better Safe than Sorry?
The recent crisis in the rental market brought more private real estate brokers to the playing field.
New Trends on the Real Estate Market
The extremely hot summer has made its mark on the leasing side of the real estate market.

Articles on Ashgabat, the Turkmen capital, usually churn out the well-worn quote “Dubai meets the Soviet Union”.
Endless bustle in Singapore’s Chinatown
If you can sneak in a one-day stopover in Singapore on your way to South East Asia’s beach resorts, then spend it in Chinatown.

Rhymes For Children
Hickory Dickory Dock,the mouse ran up the clock.
Quizzes Compiled by Ross Hunter
Moscow is not really a city of skyscrapers. That means the few tall buildings can be seen and enjoy great views.

To the Volga in a Volga
The heat belted out of the uninsulated engine compartment; the steering wheel had about 20 degrees of free play making straight-line progress more a matter of luck than judgement.
Out and About

Jenson Button Noises Up the Kremlin
On Sunday 18 July, Potemkin motor- racing in the shape and sound of a Formula 1 demonstration came to Moscow.
The Steamy Pacific Comes to Steamy Moscow
On Monday 26 July, the Embassy of the Republic of the Philippines held a gastronomic evening to launch Filipino Culinary Week.
My World

Dare to ask Dare
Expats and Russians alike ask celebrity columnist Deidre Dare questions about life in Moscow.

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